January 29, 2012

Day 88: Harvesting Honey

Honey directly from the centrifuge.

Unfiltered honey from the day's harvest.

One of my favorite photos of the day - especially with the honey dripping from the boys lips.

January 28, 2012

January 24, 2012

Day 93: On the front page of the newspaper with Ambassador Arvizu

U.S. Peace Corps Community Development (COD) Volunteers
meeting with the Ministry of the Interior (MoI)

January 21, 2012

January 19, 2012

Day 98: Shqip Class (aka: Albanian Language Class)

There were 8 Peace Corps Trainees in Thanë. What a time we had, huh? I know we all have some very fond memories of those LONG classes (6-7 days a week for 4-5 hours a week). I know our fellow Thanites (folks who lived in Thanë) have some memories to share! Please do so in the comment section below. We can't wait to read them!

January 18, 2012

Day 99: Our Host Family, The Çepas

Sidorella (the 3rd daughter) playing cards.

Richie with our host father, Pellumb.

Naxhie (our host mom) & Elisabeta (the 2nd oldest daughter)

Dorina (the oldest daughter) eating cotton candy or "flok sheqer," which translates to "hair sugar."

Serxhio (the youngest child and the only boy) playing "futbol" (soccer) with Richie.

The heart-shaped rock Serxhio painted for his father, Pellumb Çepa.
We love you guys!

January 17, 2012

Day 100: The 4-Leaf Clover

Richie found this 4-leaf clover in the grass at the Universe Hotel in Elbasan as we were packing furgons (minibuses) for our host family's house. What a lucky find!

January 16, 2012

Day 101: Culture Shock

The Munich Airport, March 2010.

The first look at Peace Corps Albania's Group 13. Fellow PCV's, what are some of your memories from this day?

January 2, 2012

Miresevini! Welcome!

We have loved our time here in Albania. It has been a time of great courage, test of strength (and patience), and a time spent developing relationships of a lifetime. We would not trade the experience for the world. And if asked if we would do it again... Patjeter! (Literally means "Without fail!")

As we approach our last 101 days of Peace Corps service, we'd like to take this time to reflect on our life and service here in Albania.

This blog is chiefly a collection of photos, with a new post every day (so check back often). There is no order of importance. Some of the posts will be chronological, but there are also some random reflections or memories that made (and still make) us laugh. Some have a commentary, some have no need for words. And while some things might seem silly, you'd be amazed at what becomes important.

We also challenge you - our family, friends, and fellow PCVs (Peace Corps Volunteers) - to share your memories. Were you at the event listed? Do you have a similar story? You can post your comments at any time, and we can't wait to read your perspectives!

We hope you enjoy this photo montage as much as we've enjoyed remembering and making it.

And one last note... Richie, in all of his greatness, wrote a simple program to help you (and us) keep track of the number of days left in Albania. It's on the right. As we approach our last day, you'll see the Albanian flag fade into the American flag.


-Michele & Richie